American Israel Public Affairs Committee AIPAC

There are SO many pro Israel organizations but lets cover the top ones. All under the umbrella of AIPAC are the super PACs.  AIPAC PAC, UDP PAC, and DMFI PAC.  Those second two are United Democracy Project and  Democratic Majority of Israel.

Top Donors

#1 is Jan Koum  the founder of Whatsapp who gave 5 Million to UDP. Jan is a Ukrainian Jew Billionaire who has a restraining order placed on hims for physical and verbal abuse for his ex girl friend. Note that Whatsapp was used by JP Morgan to pay hush money to Epstein victims. And it is where a cabal of Jewish billionaires congregated to make plans to go after people protesting the genocide of Gaza.

#2 Johnathon Jacobson another Jewish Billionaire, hedge fund manager that shut down Highfields Hedge Fund after stagnating and then losing money for three years in a row from 2014 to 2017. They made money earlier by short selling Enron.

#3 David Zalik and his wife Helen Zalik. David gave Zalik $454,800 to AIPAC Pac and $2,000,000 to UDP and his wife gave a matching $453,800 to AIPAC PAC. The top 5 donors gave more to UDP than they did to AIPAC.  Together Jan Koum, Johnathon Jacobson and the Zaliks gave roughly 10 million dollars to the Israel lobbies. That is equal to what the US gives to Israel in foreign aid every day. YOu can see what a great ROI this is. For one day worth of aid you get to own the US congress.

#4 Benard Marcus, Jewish Billionaire who started Home Depo gave 2 million to UDP and nothing to AIPAC PAC.

#5 (tied) Paul Singer Jewish Hedge Fund Manager gave 1 million to UDP. He also paid for a vacation for Supreme Court Justice Alito, which included a private jet. He also set up a tech research institute in Israel.

#5 (tied) Deborah Simon (daughter of Melvin Simon) gave  a million to DMFI but nothing to AIPAC PAC

#5 (tied) Haim Saban who ripped off the Mighty Morphing Power Ranging from Japanese TV shows, gave a million to UDP

#6  Also tied for 6th is Harriot Schliefer who is the chair of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations. She gave 557,000 to AIPAC and 27k to UDP the first person to give more to AIPAC than the other PACs.

Robert Kraft by the way from the Epstein Client list gave half a million dollars to UDP.

Over on the Whatsapp groups there were many Jewish Billionaires including : Daniel Lubetzy (board of Directors of the ADL) , Daniel Loeb, Len Blavatanik (Ukarainian Jew billionaire) , Joseph Sitt, Howard Schultz, Michael Dell, Bill Ackman, Johsua Kushner, a staffer for Barry Sternlicht, and Yakir Gabay

These people met with Michael Herzog, Naftali Bennett, and Benny Gantz.

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