The UK has an election July 4.  So on Independence Day in the USA the UK will voted for parties who will then select with very high likelihood a new Prime Minister. However when you look at the issues there is a sharp divide between the public and the politicians on things of major importance like War and Trade, Immigration and Health policies. Let’s look at an example.

The majority of Brits want an arms ban on Israel because they oppose the genocide of Gaza, but This is represented by no one although the Conservative support Israel more enthusiastically. So they will lose seats. But the UK have no one to vote FOR they simply vote AGAINST the worst option.


To win a person needs reach. Doesn’t matter how great your ideas are if no one knows who you are.

The UK has vomit infested filth like the BBC that has lied about every war, covered up stories of rape gangs, pedophiles, and corporate collusion.

Journalists as Tucker said, either are or are pretending to be stupid.

It’s that way because an honest journalist won’t be hired. The media ownership is comprised of a ceratain class of people who put their own agenda above that of Britain, telling the truth, or not promoting mind numbing degenerate garbage.

Conservatives, Labour, Liberals, Green, UKIP and the Workers party.

Rishi Sunak (Conservative)
1 pro Ukraine War
2 pro Israel War
3 pro covid and vax

Keir Starmer (Labour)
1 pro Ukraine War
2 pro Israel War
3 pro covid and vax

Ed Davey (Liberal)
1 pro Ukraine War
2 mixed Israel War
3 pro covid pro vax

The best party is led by David Kurten. The Heritage Party. He’s anti Zionist, anti Ukraine war, he was in all the anti covid marches and even opposed the climate change cult.
Of course most will say David who? This is how media determines elections.

Of the more well known men who oppose the warmongering filth in the major parties there are George Galloway of the Workers Party and Nigel Farage of the Reform Party.

Rishi Sunak’s controversial fund to support startups during the Covid pandemic invested nearly £2m in companies linked to his wife. Andrew Griffith, Sunak’s treasury secretary and other business people all invested in the start ups that got money from Sunak’s future fund.

Keir Starmer has relatives in Israel and is raising his children to be Jewish, this does effect his stance of Israel’s foreign policy. Many people cannot rise above the sports team mentality where there side is right no matter what they do because that’s their team. Funny enough his team isn’t Britain.

Keir Starmer led the CPS when it did not charge Jimmy Savile a notorious pedophile. His defense is to claim ignorance.

That’s insane level of incompetence then. You are the head of the CPS and you don’t know what it is doing? He knew the man is a proven deceiver. Starmer met with US officials to attempt to extradite Julian Assange. Then the records were deleted.

Starmer was Pro Jimmy Savile but anti-Julian Assange. That is pretty much all you need to know about the next PM of the UK.


Ed Davey Ed Davey voted for military action in Syria, supports sanctions on Russia and Iran and the Ukraine war. He was all in for the Covid Hysteria. It is as if it’s all the same person with these shills.

Asking Brits what they thought were real issue that are all being ignored they told me.
“Farmers being forced out of business because of impossibly demanding government regulations (typically justified by climate/ environment emergencies) and incentivized to retire by government bribes(100k payout) decreasing food security

Pharmacies across the Uk being shut down because of the way the funding works (Tory ministers had shares in Pharmacy2U which did centralised Amazon-style medicine distribution – I can get back to you on that in more detail but will need time to dig up the relevant stuff) funding so bad major pharmacy chains like Lloyds, Boots, Superdrug etc (like US walgreens) are being forced to close branches. This is a big deal because pharmacies are supposed to be the NHS first line of defence, ie, pharmacists are supposed to give you a free consultation as an alternative to going to a doctor, and can now treat minor ailments as well, to take pressure of GP’s (local doctors) and hospitals.”

“Education system is fucked top to bottom but that’s nothing unique to Uk. Class sizes far too large, no effective disciplinary procedures in place due to misbehaviour being viewed as symptom of trauma, experienced teachers leaving the trade to be replaced by waves of junior teachers who also end up leaving teaching due to idiotic policies and immense pressure to do admin in free time meaning the standard of education is rapidly degenerating”

“There’s more mainstream stuff as well like NHS waiting lists, mass migration, schools and hospitals and other public buildings being forced to close because the RAAC (type of concrete they used to build them) is unsafe and unstable after a certain time frame, the fact that most water treatment companies have been illegally discharging sewage into rivers and lakes boats, foreign aid, ppp corruption + many other corruption, Assange (he’s out now but c’mon, took fucking 4ever), ULEZ cams, loads of rapes n knife crime, housing problem, no manufacturing and industry in this country so lots of ppl r unemployed, in areas where there’s lots of foreigners cannot speak English (lacking social cohesion cos cannot communicate), farmers losing farm land, for some reason Israel is an ally line repeated by all political parties n royal family, very nasty central bank debt issue, police n many service men leaving cos pensions being cut, simple shit like no bloody parking space, purposeful bad energy policies, we crashed a fucking boat cos wired the motor the wrong way, NHS waiting list is so long, too much wasted spending by gov think they spent like £11-15k on cutting a few trees, hedge n grass before stupid, amount of trannies growing, lots of homeless.”

“Post-Brexit we were supposed to see reduction in migration and more immigration control, ie, only high-wage, highly-skilled workers who would be net contributors to the economy and were needed in key industries, but what the fat fucking assclown Boris Johnson did was redefine “high wage” by knocking like 10k off the existing salary threshold (think it went from 33k to 23k) so it was basically inclusive of everybody. Then they made it much harder to bring over wives/ children/ dependents in various ways BUT this had the effect of bringing in like 600k fighting age single males a year.”

Farm regulations, NHS, Education, Pharmacy shutdowns, mass migration, polluted water, knife crime, housing, lack of manufacturing, unemployment, debt, bad energy policies, government spending. And contributing to all of that are the foreign policies of sanctions on sourced of energy and trade, wars that create refugees and cost a ton and of course following the US off a cliff.