These faggots left a new baby in a car for several hours and didn’t notice she was missing. A family member found her in the car after midnight! Did no one think hey where is a baby? She hasn’t been fed, she is not in her bed, she is not in the house.  How the FUCK do you have a new baby and no one knows where she is for several hours!!

I guess when a human life is just an ornament for your instagram it is easy to forget about them. These two faggots were probably consumed with pride month events maybe flashing the public or fornicating in front of kids. They left a two month old baby alone in a back of a car right in front of their house for hours. If no one had found her they would have discovered her course the next morning. I want the death penalty for both of them. And the 2 year old they bought should be given to a mother and a father.